18 April 2017

Privacy International (PI), London 
Legal Officer 
Deadline for application: 13 May 2017 

Privacy International (PI) is committed to fighting for the right to privacy across the world. 
• It investigates the secret world of government surveillance and expose the companies enabling it. 
• It litigates to ensure that surveillance is consistent with the rule of law. 
• It advocates for strong national, regional, and international laws that protect privacy. 
• It conducts research to catalyse policy change. 
• It raises awareness about technologies and laws that place privacy at risk, to ensure that the public is informed and engaged.

Privacy International is looking for a Legal Officer.
The Global Campus of Human Rights, Venice (Italy)
Massive Open Online Course 'Gender-based violence in the context of migration'
Enrolment opens on 15 April 2017

The Global Campus of Human Rights is a unique network of one hundred participating universities around the world, seeking to advance human rights and democracy through regional and global cooperation for education and research. It continues the development of its Open Learning Series with a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender-Based Violence in the Context of Migration. The course will be released on 15 May 2017. Enrolment opens on 15 April 2017 and is completely free.

13 April 2017

UN Refugee Agency - Regional Representation for Western Europe, Brussels

Deadline for application: 5 May 2017 

The Regional Protection Support Unit of the UN Refugee Agency - Regional Representation for Western Europe is looking for an intern to start by the beginning of August 2017 in Brussels for a six-month unpaid internship.

The intern should have an in-depth knowledge of German, a Masters in Law, with an excellent command of written and spoken English. French is desirable but not essential. Evidence of previous experience or a strong interest in refugee matters or human rights is appreciated.

12 April 2017

RCN Justice & Démocratie, Brussel
Nederlandstalige educatief medewerker (NL/FR) voor haar programma’s in Europa
Sluitingsdatum voor sollicitatie: 25 april 2017

RCN Justice & Démocratie is een Belgische NGO die sinds 1994 actief is in de wederopbouw van de rechtsstaat in verschillende landen in transitie (momenteel in Rwanda, Burundi, de Democratische Republiek Kongo, Tsjaad, Senegal, Europa en binnenkort in Marokko). Met haar ondersteuning van de heropbouw van het rechtssysteem bereikt ze zowel instellingen als het sociale middenveld.

In Europa, en meer bepaald in België, werkt RCN J&D rond mondiaal burgerschap en sensibilisering van leerlingen van het hoger middelbaar onderwijs, jongeren en professionele actoren van de onderwijs- en justitiesector, meer bepaald rond mechanismen die leiden tot geweld en polarisatie en hoe daar tegen in te gaan, op basis van herinneringseducatie rond massageweld. RCN J&D doet ook aan sensibilisering (outreach) rond processen voor internationale misdaden op basis van universele bevoegdheid. De uitdagingen en problemen van onze multiculturele wereld, hun onderlinge samenhang en het toenemende extremisme, maken een beter inzicht in deze conflicten noodzakelijk om de wereld te begrijpen en zo te evolueren naar actief en open mondiaal burgerschap.

RCN J&D is op zoek naar een Educatief medewerker (m/v) voor haar zetel in Brussel. Het betreft een contract voor een 4/5 tewerkstelling van onbepaalde duur.

11 April 2017

Auschwitz Jewish Center, Warsaw-Oświęcim-Kraków
Human Rights Summer Program
18 - 25 June 2017
Deadline for application: 17 April 2017 

The Human Rights Summer Program is a one-week intensive program for students and young professionals, utilizing Poland as a case study to examine broader human rights issues. Poland’s dynamic history makes it a unique location to study historic and contemporary human rights issues - from the Holocaust to the modern refugee crisis.

HRSP uses Polish-Jewish relations as a background case study, allowing participants to examine activism and social change locally through experienced histories, individuals, and institutions. The program’s approach addresses broad concepts in the human rights field by focusing on historical and contemporary Poland, which offers lessons that can be applied globally.

During the program, meals, accommodation, entrance fees, lectures, materials, and transportation are included in the $1,199 program fee. For more information, please contact DBramson@mjhnyc.org.
  • Announcement on the Auschwitz Jewish Center website.

05 April 2017

Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR)
2017 Introductory Course in Human Rights
4 - 9 September 2017

Deadline for early bird registration: 23 May 2017 

NCHR is pleased to announce the 2017 Introductory Course in International Human Rights. This course seeks to provide participants with introductory knowledge of international human rights that will broaden their perspectives and opportunities for integrating human rights principles, standards and approaches into their daily work.

04 April 2017

Fair Trials, Brussels
Deadline for application: 17 April 2017 

Fair Trials is an international human rights NGO, which exists to build respect for the right to a fair trial in criminal cases. It has grown gradually over the past five years and has an established track-record as a trusted voice on criminal justice. 

Fair Trials is seeking to appoint a Researcher in its Brussels office. The Researcher will be a member of Fair Trials’ global Campaigns and Communications Team and will be tasked with leading Fair Trials’ efforts to document, raise awareness of, and campaign against miscarriages of justice and breaches of the right to a fair trial occurring across Europe. Working with the broader Fair Trials team and with Fair Trials’ national partners, the Researcher will lead related research projects and will design, develop and implement international, regional and national-level campaigns seeking to end fair trials abuses.

The post of Researcher is full-time. The post will be based in Fair Trials’ Brussels office, with frequent travel throughout Europe, and occasionally further afield. You will work actively with other members of Fair Trials’ staff team in London, Brussels and Washington, DC, as well as with partners in countries across Europe. You will report directly to the Regional Director (Europe) and will be an active member of the Campaigns and Communications Team.

This is an excellent opportunity to play a crucial role in a small and dynamic human rights NGO at an exciting time in its development.
ILGA-Europe - European Region of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, Brussels
Advocacy Officer
Deadline for application: 21 April 2017 

ILGA-Europe is a driving force for political, legal and social change at European level. Its vision is of a world where dignity, freedoms and full enjoyment of human rights are protected and ensured to everyone regardless of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics. ILGA-Europe is comprised of over 490 member organisations throughout the European Region. From Iceland to Italy and Ukraine to Malta, it works with extraordinary activists to bring about real change for LGBTI people across Europe. Its strong team based in Brussels empowers activists, connects key change actors at European and national levels, leads on thinking and responding to important trends for the European LGBTI movement.

ILGA-Europe is looking for an Advocacy Officer to work with the staff team in Brussels.