Short Course on 'Public International Law in Practice'
29 - 30 April 2014
Deadline for application: 4 April 2014
'Public International Law in Practice' is a dynamic course of applied public international law. The course is a two day programme focused on current developments in public international law and their application in national and international litigation, in governmental and international policy-making and in international legal and diplomatic practice.
The course provides a concise introduction to key issues across a broad range of areas of public international law - from the nature of international law to international resolution of disputes, from human rights to international investment law.
Who is the course for?
Led by many of the Institute's leading researchers and practitioners, the course is ideal for those in the early and middle years of legal practice, those working in governmental and non-governmental organisations with legal elements to their work, those in moving legal practice areas, and students who are studying for a postgraduate degree which includes aspects of international law.
Public international law is now a part of the practice of almost every lawyer today. For example, knowledge of treaty obligations is essential for dealing with disputes within and beyond State confines, as well as for government, commercial and humanitarian interactions; awareness of the responsibilities and immunities of government entities can be crucial to a commercial contract and a human rights action; and assessing the appropriate forum for resolving a dispute is as necessary for an investment matter as it is a humanitarian concern. There are few areas of legal practice that are not affected in some way by international law, whether that matter is transacted or litigated in a national, regional or international location.
Course benefits
This course is unique in that it introduces participants to public international law as it arises in practice in a concise and engaging way. It includes the core elements of public international law, such as treaties, customary international law, state responsibilities and immunities, international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international environmental law, and international economic law, as well as how international law is dealt with in national law and in terms of dispute settlement.
Teaching arrangements
Teaching will be seminar style with opportunities for class discussion and interaction. Practical examples and dispute settlement avenues will be given where relevant. Reading lists, including reference to electronic materials, will be provided for each session.
Fees and applying
The course fee is £375 (incl VAT) and covers:
• Tuition and course materials
• Refreshments during sessions (tea/coffee/water)
• One evening social event with expert guest speakers
• Certificate of completion.
Please note that places are limited.
The registration deadline is Friday 4 April 2014.
All information can be found here.
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