Flemish Peace Institute, Brussels
Internships (period April - June)
Deadline for application: 1 February 2015
The Flemish Peace Institute is an independent institute dedicated to peace research and hosted by the Flemish Parliament. The Peace Institute offers internships to students and recent graduates. Interns are introduced to the particular dynamics of an independent research institute in a political environment. An internship has a 3-month duration (January-March, April-June or October-December). During this period, the intern cooperates with the staff in the research programme's of the Scientific Secretariat.
The Peace Institute offers:• personal supervision
• office space and use of office equipment
• acces to library collections
• reimbursement of expenses.
How to apply?
Candidates are requested to send a motivation letter, CV and references to vredesinstituut@vlaamsparlement.be, or Leuvenseweg 86, 1000 Brussels.
Candidates will be informed within two weeks after the deadline. If an application meets our requirements, the candidate will be invited for an interview.
These kind of work are prepared intended for any individual worldwide whether or not they have a home in Pakistan, Nigeria, or maybe the usasecurity jobs .